At Vidant Integrated Care (VIC), we are committed to increasing cooperation and collaboration among health care practitioners in order to control costs and provide the best and safest care for the patients we serve. Vidant Integrated Care’s team has a long-standing history of working collaboratively with physicians to help achieve these goals. For years, our Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Coastal Plains Network and our care management affiliate Access East, have demonstrated a commitment to the health, well-being and vitality of the communities and organizations we serve through health-related initiatives and opportunities. Now, VIC offers you the opportunity to participate in this mission.

1 | Transitional Care Management program started |
2 | First NCQA certified Patient Centered Medical Home at Vidant Medical Group |
3 | Coastal Plains Network (CPN) starts operations – MSSP Track 1 first contract |
4 | Care Evolution – population health management platform installed |
5 | MSSP Performance Payment of $3.3M earned |
6 | ECU Physicians joins CPN |
7 | Vidant Medical Center selected for Comprehensive Joint Replacement (CJR) bundle program |
8 | Vidant Medical Group signs P4P contract with United MA Plans |
9 | MSSP Performance Payment of $3.9M earned |
10 | Halifax Regional Medical Center, Roanoke Valley Health Services and Rural Health Group join CPN |
11 | Consolidation of care management with the affiliation of Access East and Vidant Health |
12 | CJR Performance Payment of $757K earned |
13 | Roanoke Chowan Community Health Center joins CPN |
14 | Healthy Planet Transition Started, Vidant Integrated Care (VIC) created |
15 | Care coordination contract for Vidant Health Plan executed |